Northwest Police Academy

Training Today’s Public Safety Leaders



Welcome to the Northwest Police Academy

We offer a range of training packages in a range of subject areas  focused on law enforcement executives in Northern Illinois.

The Northwest Police Academy (NWPA) was founded in the 1960’s to provide basic training for law enforcement officers in the Northwest suburbs. However today, the NWPA provides monthly training seminars to police executives from more than 75 law enforcement agencies in the area.  These seminars are focused on contemporary issues in policing and also count towards the mandated training hours required by ILETSB for police chiefs and deputy chiefs.  Some topics include; critical incident, use of force, employee discipline, and labor relations.  The NWPA is dedicated to providing the best training and education possible for its members.

December 2023 Training Directors Letter

Click the image below to download a letter from our Training Director

Our Mission

The Northwest Police Academy (NWPA) was founded in the 1960’s to provide basic training for law enforcement officers in the Northwest suburbs.

The NWPA is dedicated to providing the best training and education possible for its members.

Our membership consists of police executives from across northern Illinois.

World Class Facilities

The Northwest Police Academy is devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, and research, and developing leaders in many disciplines who make a difference globally.

  • Current focus – our seminars cover current topics
  • ILETSB Accredited – towards your 20 hour mandate
  • Network – with other law enforcement professionals

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